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“That’s when you know you’ve found somebody really special: you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share silence.” ~Pulp Fiction

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If You're Going To Hate Something, Do It Right

I have a friend who once dated a guy with a Confederate Flag tattoo on his neck. Now, that she is engaged to someone else I display my hatred for him on the World Wide Web.

First of all, people who have Confederate Flag tattoos and live in the North should maybe crack open a textbook sometime before their thirty and their teeth are missing and they've blown themselves up in methlabs in their trailer park.

The fact of the matter is these hillbillies (in an earlier post I mentioned that I am a tickle on the redneck side but I am by no means making my big-screen debut in Deliverance) don't really even understand what a Confederate Flag represents. Well, I take that back, it does represent ignorance and hatred and I'm not normally one to dish out the "I Have a Dream" speech but, come on, why don't you just get a tattoo that says "I Hate Black People." If you're going to do it do it right. Don't sit there getting the decal stuck to the hood of your pinto just because everyone just as stupid as you is doing it.

If you ask any person that has anything remotely similar to the Confederate Flag on their person that's the first thing they'll say...and they'll emphasize it with something really scholarly like the N-Word or perhaps they'll show you their matching swastika/menorah set just to prove how serious they are about hating...anything.

And just for the record, I'm white. I'm not big into the whole race-battle more like I'm into hating people for being dumber than I am (sounds like a rant for someone else's blog).


ReBeL AsHlEy said...

hey i really like your dress can you tell me where you got itat

thank you

Rebel Chic said...

Hey I am from the south and was looking for a rebel flag dress to wear to one of our dances. If you wouldnt mind on emailin me and lettin me know on where I could get a dress like that or where you got yours from, I would appreciate it. Thank you so much. And you look cute in the dress!

Unknown said...

I think you need to take some history classes and a few psychology classes to realize you are just as racist as the ones who love the confederate flag and the south. Sounds like you think that people from the south live in trailers cook meth and lose their teeth. I promise you one thing I have seen a lot more drug addicts with loser tattooed on their forehead in the north than I have in the south. But thank you for showing us what a bigot you are

Unknown said...

You must not have read the right history books cause the south did not have to force the black people to fight in the civil war like the north did. The black people actually wanted to fight to stay in the state's so they didn't have to go back to africa like the north wanted to send them after they was free. You must be the racist one cause of wearing the dress and making fun of your friends ex-boyfriend. And from your own words you don't understand what the flag represents, YOU NEED A HISTORY LESSON..... I am from the south and damn proud of it!!!!!!!!!

DixieSweetheart007 said...

your right if your goin to hate soemthing do it right. you really need to get your history lesson right. to alot of people that flag represents so much more. you focused on stuff that people made such a big deal about. and you are being racist on southern people for what you think about them. trust me i live in the south and i am proud of it and im not racist, i aint losin my teeth i dont live in a trailer use to tho it was a good home. no meth labs around. so obviously you dont know a damn thing about the south sweetie and you dont deserve to be wearing a dress like that representing something you dont know anything about. Cute dress though. it just does fit you tho.

Sarah said...

I'm getting a rebel flag tattoo, but it has nothing to do with black people, I was born and raised on a farm, and love the south -- By the way, I'm not racist, I have all my teeth, and I stay away from drugs. The rebel flag symbolizes much more today, than it did then. Today it's more than a symbol of "racism", It's a symbol of the fight inside someone, where that person came from, and its a symbol of the south in general -- By you degrading those who like the rebel flag isn't doing anything but making yourself look conceited and stupid.

Unknown said...

The confederate flag is a sign of patriotism for those of us who have the ability to look beyond the catalyst and see the true REASON behind the Civil War. The south was fighting for what they believed (and what almost every other country believed as well) was their god given right. They fought and died for something that truly meant something to them. I find that admirable beyond words. Oh, and I’m 20 years old, live in a 2 story house in Washington state (born in Idabel, OK), drive a 2009 Volvo S80 and I wear my confederate tattoo with pride.

Rebel chick through out said...

I love your dress and wouldn't give a rats A$$ about what anyone said. I'm from the south and DAMN proud of it!! I think that you sueing them is the right thing to do. Good for you girl!!!!

chickson said...

get it right sweetheart.
jus so u kno my BEST FRIEND
growin up was BLACK!
u hate it cuz tht guy put MY FLAG
think about. :)
have a nice day

KillaRed said...

I'm sorry honey but obviously you don't know a damn thing about the south. That flag has nothing to do with being racist, it's about our heritage and how we wanted to be different. Also just to let you know it is out of respect for our ancestors who died under that flag. If you got a problem with that then obviously you shouldn't be wearing that dress. And you talk about being racist towards black people, but it sounds to me like you're just as racist as anybody else except you're against your own people. Your parents should be ashamed. I'm a rebel til' the day I die and no one can make me feel ashamed about it. So keep talking about needing history lessons because you need a few yourself. So a few words of advice don't discriminate about something you really have no idea about what it represents.

Unknown said...

I am sorry for the BAD experience i[o had with someone with the Tatto mentioned. I also believe you are the one needing a history lesson. The Battle Flag of the southern republic is not a racist item. In stead it represents when the South rebelled against the Federal government over the rights of individual states rights. States Rights, or the right of a state to represent and control the laws within it's borders. At the time the Federal government of the United "States" was trying to tell individual states what they had the right to do and laws they could enact. The south may have lost the battles, but they actually won the war as they preserved the rights of that states have. We do still have the right for individual law. Racism was not a factor. You will notice that the Federal government never outlawed slavery until later in the war, and that they had many many arguments in congress before they did. The freedom granted to slaves was done to economically damage the south, so that the Northern States could win the war.
Flying a rebel flag is a way to tell the government you are proud to be southern born and bred, and have the heritage to tell the government you would rather fight a war than be ruled by tyranny.
Fly it proudly and have it tattooed to your body, you are doing a service to every person in the United States when you do. With out the questioning of government we would still be a British colony.

proud_dixie said...

...just wondering how many history lessons have you had? 1st off the civil war was not started because of we don't like blacks it was because the north was puttin taxes on any and everything they could so they could have more money for themselves. and second How Dare You put a rebel flag dress on and then talk sh## about it! and say the southern people live in trailers well some of the nicest biggest housest are in the south and if you have ever been to the south you would know that some of the sweetest people you will ever meet will be there so next time before you decide to run your mouth and judge people why don't you OPEN UP A BOOK!!

Unknown said...

I think you need to go through you history lessons again.. There's more to the confederate flag than you think. If your going to hate something and try to mock it you should know what your talkin about first..

Frederick said...


Unknown said...

Ok first of alli think you have your perceptions a little wrong . how can you speak for how everyone that wears a rebel flag feels?? I wear rebel flag shirts not because i hate black people but because i appreciate my southern heritage. the real racist flag is the American Flag. it flew over the ships that brought slaves here. Perhaps you should have cracked ope a text book. I am probably the least racist person you could ever meet. If the rebel flag represents hating black people, how come they also wear it?? I like your dress but if you are so against the flag, why wear it?

Anonymous said...

look, i was born and raised in texas, love the south, and couldnt be more proud being from there. i chew, drink whiskey, have all my teeth, and have a masters degree in business, bachelors in history, and literature. dont do meth, or any drug for that matter, and know for a fact that you are an idiot. love the dress, i will teach you some history, and hope the hell you catch on. i have the texas flag, confederate battle flag (not rebel flag) if you want a "rebel flag" go see the KKK, and American flag tattooed on my body. i was american born, southern bred, by the grace of god! So many, blacks and whites died for this flag, more than youll ever know. Truth is, you have no idea what its like to walk outside and be called a racist for no damn reason! Just like blacks dont like to be called the "N" word. Please for all southern folks, learn something! If you have any doubts, look at the 1st Louisiana National Guard. By the way, they were all black! They believed in a cause, just like the rest of us. My ancestors died for this flag, therefore, i cannot, and will not, let the words of my ancestors go unheard. You have an ignorance, which by definition means you havent learned yet, but please please, read a book. you wouldnt believe it but, this country was built by those of the south, you call us redneck, hillbilly, and such, but dont even understand the meaning of these words you speak. Sweetie, if you only knew!

Anonymous said...

for the ones asking about the dress read this... The pic at the top is not Sugarlips.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...I think you need to realize that you are being racist too. I think you need to crack open a freakin Texas textbook and read what a Conferderate flag is. Hun...looks like you aren't the brightest light bulb apparently because looks like you got told by a lot of people the truth over the history over the Confederate flag. I love the Confederate flag but does that mean I am racist. I lived in Texas my whole life. I am getting a heart tattoo on both hips. One with a Texas flag and one with a Conferderate flag. I have friends that are black but I do see a difference between black people and the 'N' word. And you do not have to be black to be one. You can be mexican, white, albino..... doesn't matter. And about us, how you put it, messed up teeth hillbillies who blow up ourselves in methlabs....I belive somebody just recently blew their house to peices somewhere up north trying to get their fix....hummm.....sounds like you need to get a damn reality check. You made yourself sound so dumb. My 8 years brother knows more about the Confederate flag then you do. I hope you figure out what you are saying because guess what. LET THE SOUTH RISE AGAIN....